AFSAAP Archives

AFSAAP has now completed digitizing 37 years of the AFSAAP Archive which includes copies of many of the annual conference papers; documents detailing the history and establishment of AFSAAP; all back issues of the AFSAAP Newsletter and the Australasian Review of African Studies; the Directory of Australian Africanists; and other documents from a plethora of other African Studies Associations from around the world, and Africa themed conferences held in Australia and New Zealand. These archives were diligently kept by Dr. Liz Dimock at La Trobe University, and handed over to Dr. Tanya Lyons at Flinders University upon her retirement.  They have all now been digitized thanks to a small grant from AFSAAP and the assistance of Mr. Stephen Okello and Ms Rebecca Stevens.  See Conferences and ARAS pages , and click here

Other Archival Projects

As part of its mission statement AFSAAP is aims to preserve, document and/or make inventories of various African archives in the region. We are currently planning to make an inventory of the Cherry Gertzel Archive in Perth. We are also seeking sponsorship for the African Digitisation Project in conjunction with the SA Museum. Further projects will be announced in the AFSAAP Newsletter. Please contact if you would like to make a donation to any of these projects.

AFSAAP’s Art Holdings

See Malangatana Valente Ngwenya for further information. AFSAAP owns this beautiful mural painted at the 1999 Conference in Perth, and is currently looking for a buyer